At Christopher Moran Residential Surveying, we are passionate about helping support diversity in Surveying and mentoring those new to the profession.
With over 75% of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors comprising of white males aged over 40, we wanted to make a difference and support under represented groups such as female student surveyors, LGBTQ+ student Surveyors and BME student surveyors.
The foundation is named after Chris (Moran) and after our first ever Student - Helena (Amaral).
The course is a 12 session programme run over 6 months, that provides technical training and experience driven skills to the students.
Residential topics include - Building Elements, Health and Safety, Inspecting Techniques and Reporting Skills. We also provide physical mentoring and shadowing days, which include site visits and real property surveying days.
It is designed to grow, so every student makes a pledge that after graduation and when they have 1 year of Post Qualification experience, they will in turn mentor 3 students from an under-represented background. A positive pyramid scheme!
Our current intake comprise of 5 students, 4 female and 1 male, from a wide range of backgrounds, including students from North African backgrounds and single mothers looking to make significant career changes.
Moran Residential Surveying Ltd - Company #1324169
38 Vicarage Lane, Dore, Sheffield, S17 3GX, United Kingdom
Copyright © 2019 onwards